Age Appropriate Kits

for Children with Intellectual & Developmental Abilities

0 – 5 Years / Early Intervention

Early Intervention Kit contains various items for the age group 0 – 5 years.

Children learn sensory awareness and tactile stimulation. Storytelling, conversation starters and creative play can be introduced through activity and play.

Enhances recognition, visual and kinesthetic skills. Helps in speech and language development and lays a foundation for basic skills for later learning.

6 – 10 Years / The Primary Years

The Primary Years Kit contains various items for the age group 6 – 10 years.

Reinforcing sensorial activities, recognition, identification and categorization can be enhanced during these years.

Children can learn numerous basic concepts about colors, language, numbers, nature and community.

Time management and money concepts are introduced for independent living.


11 – 14 Years / The Middle Years

The Middle Years kit contains various items for the age group 11 – 14 years.

A kit for learning concepts that involve shopping, money, repeated addition, repeated subtraction and other higher level math’s

Practicing time concepts for smoother independent living helps the child to adhere to routines on a daily basis.

Awareness about our country and abstract concepts can be introduced to the child. Introduction of simple prevocational skills and tasks help the child to learn meaningful and realistic skills.

15 – 18 Years / Pre Vocational

The Pre-Vocational Kit contains various items for the age group 15 – 18 years.

A kit for learning concepts that involve shopping, money, repeated addition, repeated subtraction, place value and other higher level math’s skills.

Practicing time concepts for smoother independent living helps the child to adhere to routines on a daily basis.

Awareness about our community, country and abstract concepts can be introduced to the child.

Reinforces prevocational skills and tasks, help the child to learn meaningful and realistic skills to help them become a contributing member of the community.